Every home can have absolute thermal comfort and high energy savings with an air conditioning system.

The options are many and they all have their advantages:

Economy and Performance with modern Home-type air conditioners.

aircondition Infinity Supreme Ultimate carrier klimatistiko inverter

With a series of functions that make their daily use easy and friendly, they create in every room of your home, the ideal climate, for every season, in the most economical way. Home-type air conditioners are the best choice as they have all the features that make them attractive to a user: elegant design, quiet operation, indoor air quality, energy saving, easy installation and the highest thermal (SCOP) and cooling (SEER) rates of market performance.


klimastika klimatismos aircondition andrianos multi split toshiba quad

Absolute Flexibility with Multi Inverter multi-split wall air-conditioners.

For enormous flexibility in the installation of air conditioning in large homes, multi-split air conditioners are recommended. By using an outdoor unit and choosing between a variety of interiors such as wall air conditioners, cassettes, ducted, standing floor units and consoles, you can enjoy high performance and economy.


antlia thermotitas 30AWH

Incomparable Economy with Heat Pumps.

Heat pumps are the most ideal solution to the energy challenges of the time, as they can reliably offer the ultimate in thermal comfort (air conditioning and domestic hot water) all year round, with very low consumption. Based on various criteria, they are classified into different categories (eg air-air, air - water or low temperatures - high temperatures)


ANDRIANOS works with the leading companies CARRIER & TOSHIBA, known for their unsurpassed know-how in the field of air conditioning. It places great emphasis on air conditioning options so that they are suitable for every application and offer high efficiency & economy.


carrier logo          Toshiba Logo

A suggestion for an air conditioning system from ANDRIANOS includes:

  • Proper study of the space for which it is intended.
  • Specialized knowledge of the laws and new energy saving technologies.
  • High knowledge of installation and support after purchase, by specialized cooling technicians.

aircondition systems andrianos

The company ANDRIANOS, which operates in Kalamata, exclusively with state of the art technologies in heating, air conditioning and energy saving, with thousands of successful facilities in Greece and Cyprus for 25 years. ANDRIANOS mechanical and electrical engineers,in combination with the specialized technicians of the unique Special Group of Energy Saving Techniques (EOT-EXE) in Greece,created in recent years, they are well aware that each case is different.Taking into account the special personal and financial requirements of the owner and after first visiting the area of ​​interest on the spot, they study accurately even its slightest feature, and then propose the ideal technological solution with the greatest possible use of Renewable Energy Sources.

All the facilities of the company ANDRIANOS are carried out by the Special Technical Team EOT-EXE in the presence of the responsible Mechanical Engineer, who undertakes the general coordination of each project and the necessary quality control of the works and materials applied, based on the ISO 9001 standard the company since 2010.

From 1994 to the present, ANDRIANOS has invested and continues to invest in the personal development of its people, in know-how, logistical infrastructure and research worldwide. It thus offers innovative products and services for creating "thermal comfort", achieving an improvement in energy efficiency, keeping both the initial cost and the cost of operation and maintenance at the lowest levels of the Greek market.

ANDRIANOS undertakes projects of heating-cooling and hot water production systems in the area of Messenia and Arcadia. In addition, it has a nationwide distribution network of its products in every part of the rest of Greece, Cyprus and abroad.

Domestic Air Conditioning

For more information about the optimal solution for the air conditioning in your space, call 27210 23124 or fill in the form and the experienced engineers of ANDRIANOS will contact you as soon as possible.
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Monday         8AM–5PM
Tuesday         8AM–5PM
Wednesday   8AM–5PM
Thursday       8AM–5PM
Friday             8AM–5PM
Saturday        Closed
Sunday           Closed

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